Aggregation and Decentralization: a Study on the Distribution of World-class Disciplines
中文关键词: 世界一流学科;分布特征;聚集;分散
英文关键词: world-class discipline;distribution pattern;aggregation;decentralization
武建鑫 陕西科技大学 教育学院, 西安 710021 
摘要点击次数: 1841
全文下载次数: 4005
      The world-class disciplines show obvious aggregation and decentralization in two dimensions of university types and discipline types. The author finds that the distribution of world-class disciplines in different types of universities shows a "long tail phenomenon", which means that although many world-class disciplines cluster in the few world-class universities, the number of the world-class disciplines distributed in various featured, non-world-class universities is more or less the same. The discipline aggregation degree in world-class universities is in a slow decline in the sequence of natural sciences, engineering and technology, social sciences, life sciences and medicine, and humanities and arts. The discipline aggregation degree in quasi first-class and non-first-class universities fluctuates slightly according to the change of the discipline types. The author proposes that when facing the current discipline construction work, the world-class universities should follow the "aggregation effect" of the preponderant disciplines with the focus on building a sustainable discipline ecosystem and enhance the discipline construction efficiency. In addition, the author proposes that the world-class construction universities should re-examine their original orientations and build discipline clusters with certain knowledge coverage based on the preponderant disciplines in integration with relevant supporting disciplines.
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