On Influence of Supervisors’ Guidance on Academic Career Orientation of Doctoral Students
中文关键词: 博士生;导师指导;职业取向变化
英文关键词: doctoral students;supervisor's guidance;career orientation change
刘宁宁 湖南师范大学 教育科学学院, 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 1596
全文下载次数: 5386
      Based on the data of the Nature's 2019 global doctoral survey, this paper analyzes how the supervisors' guidance influences the change of the academic career orientation of doctoral students. The results show that:firstly, more than 60% of doctoral students' career orientation has changed, and the proportion of those "escaping" from academic career (38.4%) is significantly higher than those returning to academic career (22.9%). Secondly, the humanistic care from and the recognition by supervisors, the frequency of supervisors' guidance, and the satisfaction of doctoral students with the successful publication of their scientific research outcomes have significant effects on them to return to academic career, and the supervisors' humanistic care is more influential than academic guidance. Thirdly, the doctoral students divided into active, passive, leisure and negative groups according to the time they invested in study and the degree of their satisfaction with the working time show significant differences in the changes of academic career orientation, with the proportion of the doctoral students in the negative group departing away from academic career being the highest, while the proportion of the doctoral students in the active group remaining their academic career being the highest. Fourthly, the influence of the contents of supervisor's guidance is different on different types of doctoral students. The change of academic career orientation of active doctoral students is mainly influenced by the frequency of supervisor's guidance, while the passive, leisure and negative doctoral students are more influenced by the humanistic care from supervisors.
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